Doggo Coin

Doggo Coin pioneers a unique fusion of cryptocurrency and competitive gameplay.

By integrating a race-based earning mechanism, Doggo Coin offers an innovative approach to tokenomics, redefining user engagement and fostering community collaboration.

  • Token Name: DOGGO

  • Symbol: DGO

  • Decimals: 18

Contract address

Ethereum: 0x9e2FD741C2973f2eef0EF40504EC77B2607d9AC1 Purchase via PancakeSwap

BSC: 0xB93E3077eeCeA50F9814a8DBD5E1cD0A25d9013F Purchase via PancakeSwap


The tokens will be distributed with a ratio of 2/3 on the Ethereum blockchain and 1/3 on the Binance Smart Chain, with a total maximum supply of 420,690,000 DGO. Additionally, the initial liquidity is set at 50% of the maximum supply.

  • Max supply: 280,460,000 DGO (2/3) on Ethereum

    140,230,000 DGO (1/3) on BSC

  • Initial Liquidity: 140,230,000 DGO on Ethereum

    70,115,000 DGO on BSC

Among the initial liquidity, 50% is allocated to the eco-system fund, which will serve various purposes, such as starting games and rewarding contest winners. 40% is designated for marketing efforts, and the remaining 10% is reserved for developers to conduct testing.

Last updated